- Explore the function of anger
- Identify the costs and benefits of anger
- Identify anger triggers
- Rejection/Isolation
- Failure
- Loss of control
- The unknown
- Explore multiple skills necessary for Anger Management:
- Mindful self-awareness
- Distress tolerance
- Values clarification/Goal setting
- Motivational enhancement skills
- Cognitive behavioral skills
- Cognitive processing skills
- Communication skills
- Compassion focused skills
- Self-esteem building skills
- Wellness skills (Vulnerability identification and prevention)
- Discuss how guilt, shame, jealousy are all forms of anger.
- Explore techniques to help patients identify and resolve:
- Guilt and Shame
- Resentment
- Jealousy and Envy
Based on Counselor Toolbox Episode 170 Exploring the Many Facets of Anger