Happiness Isn't Brain Surgery
Happiness Isn't Brain Surgery
008e -Emotion Regulation Part 5

Dialectical Behavior Therapy Techniques
Emotion Regulation
Presented by: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes  Executive Director, AllCEUs
Podcast Host: Counselor Toolbox & Happiness isn’t Brain Surgery
Author: Journey to Recovery (2015) & Happiness Isn’t Brain Surgery (2017)
~    Explore emotion regulation techniques
~    Mindfulness
~    Identifying and labeling emotions
~    Changing emotions/Improving the next moment
~    Nonjudgmental observation and description of current emotions
~    Remember that primary emotions are often adaptive and appropriate
~    Much emotional distress is a result of secondary responses:
~    Shame over having it
~    Anxiety about it being “wrong”
~    Rage due to feeling judged for it
~    Mindfulness serves as an exposure technique
~    Exposure to intense emotions without negative consequences (Nonjudgmental acceptance) extinguishes the secondary emotional response
Identifying and Labeling Emotions
~    Mindfulness in context
~    Identify
~    The event prompting the emotion
~    Thoughts
~    Physical Sensations
~    Urges
~    Expressive behaviors associated with the emotion
~    Interpretations of that event
~    History prior to the event that increased vulnerability to emotional dysregulation
~    After effects of the emotion on other types of functioning

Changing Unwanted Emotions
~    Check the facts
~    For and Against
~    Emotional vs. Factual reasoning
~    Problem Solving
~    Changing the situation that is causing the unpleasant emotion
~    Prevent vulnerabilities
~    Reduces reactivity
~    By turning down the stress response
~    Helping the person be aware of and able to learn/remember positive experiences

Reducing Vulnerability to the Emotional Mind
~    Building mastery through
~    Activities that build self-efficacy, self-control and a sense of competence to handle your stressors
~    Goal Setting
~    Small steps
~    Mental Rehearsal

Reducing Vulnerability to the Emotional Mind
~    Physical Body-Mind Care
~    Pain and illness treatment
~    [Laughter]
~    Eating to support mental and physical health
~    Addictive or mood altering drugs or behaviors
~    Sleep
~    Exercise

~    Creating Mastery
~    Think of a situation that often gets you upset or stressed out.
~    Identify the thoughts causing your distress
~    Check the facts
~    Identify how you want to react (set a goal)
~    Identify the steps in making that happen (don’t forget to eliminate vulnerabilities & care for mind and body)
~    Rehearse it in your mind.  See yourself successfully handling the situation

~    Emotional dysregulation is common in many disorders
~    People with dysregulated emotions have a stronger and longer lasting response to stimuli
~    Emotional dysregulation is often punished or invalidated, increasing hopelessness and isolation
~    Emotional regulation means
~    Using mindfulness to
~    Be aware of and reduce vulnerabilities
~    Identify the function and reinforcers for current emotions
~    Checking for facts
~    Problem solving
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