Happiness Isn't Brain Surgery
Happiness Isn't Brain Surgery
19c -Understanding Depressive Symptoms Part 3

Happiness Isn’t Brain Surgery
Causes of Depressive Symptoms and Ways to Address Them
Presented by: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes  Executive Director, AllCEUs
Podcast Host: Counselor Toolbox & Happiness isn’t Brain Surgery
Author: Journey to Recovery (2015) & Happiness Isn’t Brain Surgery (2017)

~    Define Depression
~    Explore why you just can’t take a pill to fix it

What is Depression?
~    Symptoms
~    Lack of pleasure/Apathy most days for a period of at least 2 weeks
~    Fatigue
~    Sleep disturbances
~    Eating changes
~    Difficulty concentrating
~    Slowed thinking, speaking or body movements
~    Angry outbursts, irritability or frustration, even over small matters
~    Anxiety, agitation or restlessness
~    Unexplained physical problems, such as back pain, headaches, stomach upset
~    Recurrent thoughts of suicide
~    If you have suicidal thoughts, call 911 or go to your local emergency room

Depression is NOT One Size Fits All
~    Each person may have a different set of symptoms
~    Even people with the same symptoms may need different treatments because there are many things that can cause the SAME symptom
~    Example: Sleep
~    Shift work
~    Circadian rhythm disruption
~    Too much caffeine or other stimulants
~    Using sleep aids that impair quality sleep
~    Light in the sleeping environment
~    Hormone changes (not limited to hot flashes)
~    Thyroid imbalances
Why Can’t I just Take a Pill
~    SSRIs only work for a small percentage of the population with depression
~    Effectiveness of antidepressants: an evidence myth constructed from a thousand randomized trials  (National Library of Medicine Article)
~    A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association says that SSRI's like Paxil and Prozac are no more effective in treating depression than a placebo pill. That means they are 33 per cent effective
~    Depression may be caused by an imbalance of serotonin or norepinepherine or dopamine or a combination of 2 or more of these things
~    The bigger question is what is causing the imbalance?
~    Think of taking a pill like …addressing a water leak by turning up the water pressure
~    Depression is diagnosed by a “cluster” of symptoms
~    Depression is often a symptom of an underlying problem (not always cognitive or trauma based)
~    Health and Happiness require eliminating/addressing at least 4 symptoms of depression.
~    Sleep disturbances
~    Unexplained pain
~    Fatigue
~    Lack of motivation/Apathy
~    The next presentations present possible causes for each symptom and things you can consider trying to improve things (with consult from your doctor)
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Happiness Isn’t Brain Surgery
Causes of Depressive Symptoms and Ways to Address Them
Presented by: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes  Executive Director, AllCEUs
Podcast Host: Counselor Toolbox & Happiness isn’t Brain Surgery
Author: Journey to Recovery (2015) & Happiness Isn’t Brain Surgery (2017)

~    Review some of the causes of fatigue which may contribute to feelings of depression
~    Identify interventions which may help improve energy and motivation
~    Poor Sleep
~    Poor nutrition
~    Crap in = Crap Out:
~    Vitamins are “spark plugs” that help your body use the proteins and energy to make things like serotonin and melatonin
~    Anemia
~    Not enough calories
~    Insulin Resistance (body doesn’t process carbs like it should)
~    Caffeine overload
~    Food allergies
~    Dehydration
~    Stress/Anxiety
~    Impairs sleep
~    Distress Tolerance
~    Vulnerability Prevention
~    Keeps you “idling”
~    Mindfulness
~    Purposeful Action
~    Can lead to exhaustion and feelings of hopelessness and helplessness (depression)
~    Radical Acceptance
~    Purposeful Action

~    Insufficient or Excess Physical Activity
~    A body in motion stays in motion…
~    Ensure enough recovery time especially if life is otherwise stressful
~    Chronic pain
~    Yoga
~    Mild Exercise/Stretching
~    Massage/Accupressure
~    Guided Imagery
~    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Lyme Disease

~    Hypothyroid
~    Biologically Based (Thyroid disease etc)
~    Nutritionally Based (insufficient iodine)
~    Hormone changes esp. related to estrogen and testosterone
~    Diabetes
~    Heart disease

~    Poor sleep almost always causes fatigue BUT Fatigue is not always caused by poor sleep
~    Regularly feeling fatigued can cause feelings of hopelessness and helplessness (depression)
~    If you are feeling fatigued, not on you’re a game, your body may perceive this as a threat and raise cortisol levels which increases irritability, burns more energy and keeps you fatigued
~    Chronic stress can cause fatigue
~    When a chronic stressor cannot be stopped, sometimes your body will “cut it’s losses”
~    Addressing fatigue means looking at your whole body and lifestyle to identify what could be causing yours


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Happiness Isn’t Brain Surgery
Causes of Depressive Symptoms and Ways to Address Them
Presented by: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes  Executive Director, AllCEUs
Podcast Host: Counselor Toolbox & Happiness isn’t Brain Surgery
Author: Journey to Recovery (2015) & Happiness Isn’t Brain Surgery (2017)

~    Review the causes, consequences and possible interventions for sleep disturbances
Sleep Disruption
~    Caffeine (12), Nicotine (1-2), Decongestants(3), Alcohol (+/- 1 hour per drink)
~    Antihistamines/Sleep Aids
~    Stress
~    Increases cortisol -reduces serotonin – reduces melatonin-impairs sleep (Think soldier in a foxhole or new parent)
~    Guided imagery, meditation, progressive muscular relaxation
~    Sleeping too much or naps
~    Set a sleep schedule
~    Create a sleep routine
~    Avoid naps longer than 45 minutes
Sleep Disruption
~    Seasonal Affective Disorder (Sunlight)
~    Daylight replacement lights
~    Get sun when you can
~    Get an office with a window
~    Allergies
~    Air purifiers
~    Change sheets
~    Keep animals off the bed
~    Pain/Hot Spots
~    Body perceives pain as stress/threat
~    Invest in a good pillow and cooling mattress topper
Sleep Disruption
~    Noise: Ear plugs or wireless headphones
~    Light
~    Eye mask
~    Darkening blinds
~    Blue-blockers
~    Bathroom
~    Red-light nightlight
~    Get most hydration before 6pm
~    Sip don’t gulp at night
~    Nutrition
~    Quality proteins with tryptophan
~    Sufficient hydration

Sleep Disruption
~    Insufficient Serotonin or Melatonin
~    Stress reduces serotonin  reduces melatonin
~    We produce less melatonin as we age.
~    Most OTC melatonin supplements are
~    Some people (especially those with depression and anxiety symptoms may not have enough serotonin getting through)  SSRIs may help
~    Sleep Apnea
~    Don’t drink alcohol before bed
~    Talk with doctor about CPAP machine
~    Certain supplements have shown promise

Note: Before adding any type of supplement check with your physician

~    Lack of QUALITY sleep impacts your:
~    Energy  desire to nap/alter sleep schedule  circadian rhythm disruption
~    Eating hormones
~    Ability to tolerate stress
~    Pain tolerance (which impacts your sleep)
~    Recovery and overall happiness require that you get sufficient QUALITY sleep for you. (Caffeine fueled awakeness propels you into a state of burnout)