Happiness Isn't Brain Surgery
Happiness Isn't Brain Surgery
36 -10 Ways to Deal with Social Anxiety

10 Ways to Deal with Social Anxiety
Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes PhD, LPC-MHSP, LMHC
Executive Director:
Podcast Host: Counselor Toolbox and Happiness Isn’t Brain Surgery

Deal with Social Anxiety
~ 1. Minimize stimulants
~ 2. Know your temperament
~ 3. Know your triggers
~ Create an anxiety list
~ 4. Create an exposure hierarchy
~ 5. Keep a rational outlook (Identify your catastrophic self-statements)
~ 6. Practice breathing
~ 7. Work on distress tolerance techniques
~ 8. Remember FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real
~ Examine the Evidence
~ 9. Mentally rehearse stressful social situations
~ 10. Practice mindfulness / Focus on your surroundings