
10 Ways to Find Life Balance

It can be difficult to balance all the competing priorities—work, family, exercise, other “adulting.” Here are a few tips to help you find more balance. 1. Create a calendar and block out the must-dos, 2. Combine, 3. Simplify, 4. Sharpen the saw…

10 Tips for Achieving Your Goals

Get Clarity: What EXACTLY are you doing? Getting in shape is too vague. Improving my relationships is also too vague. What exactly are you going to do to achieve that goal, and how will you know when you have achieved it. Goals need to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Limited or SMART.

Behavior Modification: What is it?

As humans, we often prefer to stay with what we know. People will tend to resist change until it becomes too uncomfortable to remain the same. Behavior modification is a wonderful tool. It can be used to increase behaviors, or to eliminate unwanted behaviors....